Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014: The Mortasheen Diary

Written by: James B. Davis

Day One
The ground I woke up on was brown and sticky, I wasn't even sure if it was dirt. The sky wasn't even it's normal color, it was a darkish red/brown. Where the hell was I? I got from the oozing ground and looked around me to see a large forest (if you could even call it that), made of fleshly trees, covered in eyes and mouths. Out ran a creature with many limbs and a head like a rodents skull, and slowly after five more ran out all in different directions. Then, trees began falling and blood squirted out and a massive melty looking elephant-like creature, I ran as fast as I could away from this thing, what ever it was, and I fell into a large ditch to big to climb back up. I fell all the way down and a a group of sock-like creatures scurried off.

Day Four
It took at least three days for me to deal with this place, I still haven't made my way out of this ditch. I've killed and eaten three of those sock creatures, I've even used some of there bones to make a small knife, just in case something big falls in here with me.

Day Six
Yesterday a large centipede-like thing thing fell down into the ditch, I killed it with my small bone knife and made a massive spear out of one it's long legs.

Day Eight
I don't think I'm ever gonna get out of this ditch.

Day Ten
I made two little knifes last night, and used them to climb out of the ditch and it worked! I'm going what I think is west, toward what looks like a city's outline, and a green/brown colored sea, It's below a cliff, I'll have to wait and see.

Day Thirteen
That sea, was a fucking army of dead people! Just walking around and moaning! I've turned south, hopfully I'll find something that not grotesque or madness inducing.

Day Fifteen
I tripped into a puddle the other day, and inside of it was a squirmy orange colored thing. It squirted me with something, and strange bumps have appeared all other my body. They hurt to the touch, and are even worse to look at.

Day Seventeen

The bumps have turned into scores, but they're multicolored, like rainbows. When I touch them they rupture, spewing out rainbow colored filth. And the rupture is followed by agonizing pain. I've begun to feel worthless, and that I'\ have no place in this, or any, world. I'm going to end this meaningless life, because, I longer wish to bear this thing called life... good bye.


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