Saturday, March 29, 2014

No Longer

By: James B. Davis

The ship drifted through the empty cosmos, no fuel, no supplies. The captain sat there no expression in his eyes, his body looking like a skeleton with skin laid over it. The ship was silent like deep sea abyss, yet something moved inside.

A skinny, clawed creature moved like a snake. Thousands of dead bodies laid on the floor, the creature crawled over the piles of dead. The creature picked a figure off a body, and placed it in it's mouth. The bones crushed, the flesh squished, and the blood squirted.

 It crawled over to a vent and crawled in to it vile homestead. Skulls hung on the walls, blood washed the floor, a single light hung over in the room. The creature scratched “124th day” on the wall. The creature slowly came into the light revealing it's terrible face, dark gray, blank white eyes, and a mouth full of short sharp teeth. It dragged it's claws on the floor as it walked. It was hunched over like a caveman, as it walked toward it's large pile of bones and nestled it self inside, and it slowly went into a silent sleep...

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