Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Break Monster Marathon: Dover

By James B. Davis

Goblins, Vampire, Werewolves, Ogres, and Trolls. None of them exist, and yet, in our mind, the back of our mind, we believe. Though THEY, don't exist, something does, something that lives in the woods, the woods of Dover, Massachusetts, I'm sure you've heard of it.
It all started when I moved to Dover, I'd heard stories, you know, about the demon, of course I didn't believe, at least not at the time. I moved out into a little house in the middle of the woods. The house was in a large bare circle of nothing but grass, except for one tall oak tree. The house itself was brick, covered in vines, grape vines. It had three large chimneys one in the back, two in the front.
The inside was amazing, the walls had carvings, carvings of the woods, of the ocean, even of strange desert landscapes. It had rock floors, and wooden walls. Vines even covered the inside walls, some covered the floor. The main chimney in the front of the house had a large rock carving of an enormous owl with it's wings spread wide, it had marble eyes, golden claws, and the tips of the wing's feathers were covered in silver. In the back of the house, a giant stone monolith stood in the middle of my bedroom, it had carvings of owls, and the top was a golden pyramid, with a carving of strange head with no mouth, and big, round, empty eyes.
After looking threw the entire house, I came to the kitchen, and loaded a small haul of groceries into the cupboards, and into the bronze refrigerator. The kitchen was just as amazing as the rest of the house. It had a large monolith, just as my bedroom, in the middle of the room, the refrigerator was bronze and an owl was carved into the freezer's door.

I walked outside early the next morning, looked out to the trees beyond my grass yard, bushes and tall grass covered the edge, the rustled in the wind and gave a sound like a thousand crickets. I sipped my coffee, I took a bite of my hash brown, and walked down onto the grass. The sun had just broke threw the clouds, and the morning dew light up like fireworks. After about an hour of just standing there, soaking up the sun light I went back inside.
That night, I heard a strange crying sound from my window, like a baby alone under the moon. The crying turn into soft screaming, which turning into horrid screeching, like eagles and owls. I heard the crickets scream, and dogs miles away barking in vane. In screamed out in fear, and all sound vanished, no crickets, no dogs, none of the horrid screeching.
The silence was worse than the screaming, the wait for something to break the silence. Finally something broke the silence, the bush outside my window rustled, clawing on the window, and a crack. I jump from my bed and there's a hole in my window, about the size of baseball, two red eyes, like marbles in the light. They slowly faded, like moonlight behind the clouds.

After that night, day was terrifying. Any sound flipped my wig, a creak, a squeak, even a dog's bark. All through the day I was scared of all sounds. When the landlord's car drove up the driveway I nearly fell on the floor in a fearful frenzy. I waked out to greet him and down through the yard. “How the house treating you?” said my landlord as he climbed out of his large four wheel drive land rover “Pretty good I guess.” I said running my hand of my hair. “What you mean you guess, is there a problem?” he said looking at the house “No, no... well, I guess, it's just the bedroom window's broken. I guess it happened in the middle of the night, woke up to it broken.” said I looking straight at him “I'm sorry, probably some stupid kids. Well if everything's good, I'll be back on the fifth for the rent.” he said while climbing back into his car “What about the window?” I said looking up at giant vehicle “I'll send someone over by next week to fix it.” he yelled out the window as he drove away. I was still terrified, and by night the terror would triple.

That night, while sleeping I heard a crash, like the dropping of plates. A loud screeching sound came from the kitchen like an owl. I walked into the hallway with carvings watching me from all sides. A lamp to my side, I grab it from the small table to my side. I walk to the kitchen and see a shadow on the wall, the shadow of something hunched over. I slowly peek into the room, to see a pale creature with huge red eyes, a mouth full of sharp short teeth, a long alien like head, and long spines down it's back. It was eating a steak from the fridge, which was wide open. Food was allover the floor, meat fruit, soup, but not a single vegetable.
I step forward and step onto a can, making a loud crushing sound, the creature lifted it's terrible head up and looked to the doorway I was standing, it looked right in my eye's and let out a terrible scream. The creature ran on all fours toward me, at top speed. I ran out of the hallway, down to my bedroom, with that thing following me.

 I slammed the door, and the creature started scratching it. I sat there, for hours still hearing the scratching, and I climb into my bed. I looked up and saw my broken window, and I stood up on my bed. I smashed the window and climbed out and ran down my road. I looked to all sides looking for someone or a car, instead I see something terrible. Eyes, red eyes, all around me, ten of the same creatures came out of bushes, the creatures claws slide out of their fingers and they stood up on their back legs, each only three feet tall, but their claws each were least two feet long. They slowly came in closer toward me,with their claws toward me, The Demons of Dover...

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