Saturday, April 19, 2014

Parental Guidance

By: James B. Davis

I just lay there, looking at the closet, I wasn't going to look behind me, if I did It would kill me, I'd been seeing It for weeks, and know It was ready. My little sister was sleeping on the bed above me, she had know idea what was in the room or what It was and what It was able to do. I could hear It's claws scraping the wall, I could hear It breathing, I could smell It's foul odor, like a dead bear. My parents were downstairs, sleeping in the basement.

I could hear It take a ever couple minute but then slowly step back, like he wanted to come up slightly hesitating. It growled, like a mix between a dog and bear, such an evil sound. I was keeping the tears for falling down my face, I was keeping myself from screaming and crying, if made any sound It would creep up behind me, and kill me.

The creature finally made his evil scream and I jumped from my bed, It followed behind me, right at my back, I tripped on a toy of little sister's and fall right on my stomach. I turned around and the creature slowly crawled over top of me, I'd never seen It so vividly, It's skin was pale, his eye were a grayish black, his arms were about three feet long, as were his legs, he walked on all fours, his ripped looked nearly exposed he was skinny, It had claws four inches long each, on his hands and his feet.

I look to my side out of terror, and see my father standing in the kitchen door way. I see him take four heavy steps, toward me and It screams in hope of sending fear into of father's heart, but it sends nothing more than rage. My father grabs the It by the throat, and throws to the corner. My father then puts his foot to It's chest, to keep it from moving, I see crawl back to a corner and see my father bring down a storm of rapid punches, It falls to the ground it exhaustion, I look it a mix between horror and owe as my father put a series stomps to It's head with his bare feet, turning the creature's head into a mass of jelly.

I sit there in the corner shaking, and never blinking, my eyes wide open stay stuck to It. My father walks toward and lifts me up by the hand, my eyes still wide open and fixed on It, and he takes me to the couch “Don't look at it.” he says softly, but my eyes still are still fixed It. The sun was rising and the moon was falling, the star faded away, and the clouds illuminated pink and red...

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