By: James B. Davis
We've all seen Jeff the Killer right? And we've all seen Smile Dog, maybe even Smile Jeff, but I'm sure almost no one has seen Pink Jeff, or at least seen and told the story. It's an image of Jeff the Killer with pinkish eyes, and if you look at it for to long, look right into his eye's, you can't stop looking. And after awhile, you'll go insane, he come for you. Very few have lived to tell the tale, I'm one of the few, so lets start the story.
was late 2012, in the mouth of October, near Halloween. I came across
a website called Strange and Wonderful (I'll never go back to that
website, I've heard other bad stories about it), I was reading
articles about many strange things, when I came across an article
simply titled Smile Dog. It was neat legend about an image of a dog
that's smiling with human teeth, and if look at it a lot, you get
killed by smile dog or something like. But after that article, I came
across an article about an old news paper from 2010, that only five
copies of it where sold, because of the strange image that was put in
by accident. The image was Pink Jeff, any one who read the news paper
died a day later. So as I read and reached the bottom of the page,
there was image of Pink Jeff. I quickly scrolled by this image, I got
nervous when seeing it. So I kept reading.
article was very interesting, and when I finished it at the very
bottom, there was Pink Jeff again. So I tried to scroll up again, but
the screen was frozen. I looked closely, I saw that the image was
getting slowly bigger. It was weird, but the eyes kind of looked like
they where moving super slowly. Finally the image took up the entire
screen, I don't know why I kept looking, it was like I was in a
trance, so after a minute of staring, the screen flashed from the
image to a white blank screen, it changed about ten times every
second, then it stopped. There just an image of Pink Jeff just
sitting there. Then I heard a loud banging behind me, and I looked
over my shoulder, and nothing was there. I looked back at the screen,
and it was an image of a boy standing in a long hallway with his head
to the ground. Then he looked up at me, his eyes where pink, and he
was holding a knife that was dripping red. He was standing in a
puddle of blood, he slowly moved toward me, then it sounded like a
slow drum beat was play, it got louder and louder, then the boy came
to running speed and my computer screen cracked. His knife scrapped
on the inside screen, he mouthed some words, I couldn't hear it, then
subtitles came on the top of the screen, written in red letter “GO
TO SLEEP” my blood ran cold, and leaned back in my chair. The boy
looked right at me, it was Pink Jeff, he stabbed the inside of the
screen and I heard laughing, it came from behind me, I looked over my
should and Pink Jeff was standing right behind me.
launched from my chair, and grabbed a baseball bat and threw it at
Pink Jeff and he jumped out the window. I ran to the closet and got
in, I slept there all night, I woke up at 10:00 am. I got out and
grabbed the bat off the ground I walked into the kitchen and there
was something written in blood on wall, it said “YOU WIN... THIS
TIME.” so I drove away in my car, and drove to a hotel. I checked
in and slept there for three day, and then went back to my car and
drove home. I got on the computer and started writing this, I've been
paranoid for three now, and I'm considering getting rid of my
computer. I don't know though, I might keep it, and keep warning
people of Pink Jeff, but all I know is, he out there, and he's
watching all of us.
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