Thursday, January 30, 2014

Contest Winner: I Told You So

By: Mazy Leister

"come on Alice don't be a baby." As he says this he raises the flashlight to meet my eyes. I look down at my feet to protect my eyes from the piercing light. "It just doesn't feel right,ya know?" I said this while hugging my arms around my body for warmth. Jace smirks. "What are you scared?" I look up to argue that i was not scared, but was blinded once more. He turned to look at the nature infested children's home. "I'm going in, you can just wait out here". He said this as he ran up and into the orphanage . "Dammit Jace! you can't just leave me out here !" I yell after him. As I walk up the stairs to the building I whisper to myself "You going to be sorry for making me go in this place." It was cold in the orphanage, colder then it was outside. Jace was looking at some peices of paper throne across the hall. I crouched down next to him. "You are a jerk." "I know but I'm your jerk." I could almost hear his smile. I stand up. Draging Jace with me. " Well as long as were here lets explore."I say this in the fackest existing voice I could manage. Slowly we crept from room to room finding old toys and empty bed frames. As we were searching through an old foot locker a faint almost singing sounded. Jace look at me frowning " Why are you humming?". " I'm not ." as I say this the singing grows loader. Jace's facile expression turn from shock to concern. "Are you all right?" I was about to answer, when I noticed he wasn't looking me, he was looking past me. As I turned I meet the face of what looked like a little girl, except it wasn't just a little girl. Her skin was white and shiny almost like glass. perfect ringlets of glossy black hair fell to her shoulders. Her mouth and eyes were unmoving but, yet some how giggling still escaped from her painted on lips. Jace must have not noticed because he still was asking questions. "What's your name?" giggling through her answer she said "My name is Isabell." She tilted her head in my direction and then took off down the hallway . Jace sprinted after her yelling after me to follow . After a few minutes of chasing we came to a door that was open but only slightly. A light shone through the crack. Jace said something to me but I couldn't hear because of the blood rushing pass my ears. Adrenaline and blood lust pumping through my body. I had to bite my lip to stop my self from laughing. God I love this feeling. He was crouched down in front of the porcelain girl. As he reached to touch the girls arm, I pick up a piece of glass. I rub my finger along the serrated edge drawing blood. A smile makes its way to my face. I grab a fitful of Jaces hair pulling his head back to meet my eyes. i wanted to watch as the life left his eyes. Smiling down at him taking the piece of glass and sliding it across his throat. a gurgle escaped form his mouth and a giggle escapes from mine. My dolly is laughing to. "Isabell your all dirty." I say giggling. her white skin was stained red with blood. "Alice can i get a new dress this one is ruined?" "Really Isabell, I get you a new dress every month you don't have to ask." Another giggle leaves my lips. " I told you you'd be sorry." 

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