Friday, January 17, 2014

Creeping Joe

By: James B. Davis

My name is Ash, I am 14, and I am a psychic. I have been psychic ever since I can remember, and people always bother me, ask me to tell them their future, or to read their mind. But lets get to the point, our story begins, in Spokane, Washington...

It was July 4th, 2013 and me and my family were watching the fire works, when we got separated, we agreed to meet at the fountain down town if we got separated, so that's ware I went. I rushed to the fountain, moving through people, getting pushed around, I fell a couple times. I got to the fountain, I looked around for my dad or my mom, I saw neither of them, so I waited and waited.

I sat there on a bench, for almost three hours, when a girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, about my same age, walked up to me. She asked if I was who I was, I told her I was, she asked if I could look into her future. I figured it wouldn't hurt, so I put my hand on the top of her head and closed my eyes. I saw her walking in the woods and sleeping under a tree, but that's when something else got into my head, I saw something terrible crawling on the ground, it looked like a man with gray skin and no hair. When I saw this I jolted back. She asked what was wrong, I said “Nothing Alice, nothing at all.” she asked “ How do you know my name.” I simply said “ I'm Psychic.” she laughed at that, god she had a horrible laugh.

I talked to Alice for a couple hours, then she walked away, but she would be back, but we'll talk about that later. I walked around the park near the fountain for awhile, kicking pine cones around, even got some food at a cart. But after awhile I got a flash in my mind, a flash of a gray face with no hair at all, the same face as when I looking into Alice's future, that's when I went back to the fountain. I sat at the same bench as before, still waiting for my family. I got another flash in my mind, this of that creature run toward me on all fours. I nearly fell on my face, I shook so much from that while it happened. I sat there for awhile shaking, I wished my family would get there.

I got a long picture in my mind of me and my family, I was melting. I flipped the hell out, jumped out of the bench and bumped into some people, I told them was sorry, not that that meant anything to them. I wanted to get the hell out there. So I ran into the street and into the tall buildings around me.

That's when a ran into Alice again. She asked what was wrong and ware I was going, I told her “I'm getting the hell out of here!” she ran after me. I ran into an alleyway with a dead end, Alice was right behind me again. She asked what was wrong. I told her something was after me, I told her what it looked like, and that was all I knew.

Something crawled down the side of the building, it was looked like everything I saw in my mind. It's eyes glowed like purple torches, it's nails dragged across the ground making sounds like screaming children, and it jumped on me clawing my face. I picked out a long metal pipe, and hit the creature on the back, it fell and squirmed on the ground. It jumped on me again, and put his hand on my head. I saw the creature as a man, he shot someone in the head, the man's brothers put him in sack, and threw him off a bridge. It was under that bridge that he here turned into Creeping Joe, and he killed the brothers of that man.

So I learned that that creature's name was Creeping Joe, and that I wanted to kill me for some reason.
So I grabbed the metal pipe again and bashed Creeping Joe in the back, I got back up and started pounding Creeping Joe with that pipe till his insides were his outsides. Alice was there the whole time, I didn't even know, she stood there, with a blank look on her face. I walked out the alleyway.

It sun rise when my family finally got to the freaking fountain. So we all got into the car, I was pissed. I asked why it took so long, my mom said “We didn't remember ware it was that we gonna meet.” she laughed for some reason, I didn't find anything about that funny. I still know Alice, and I still haven't seen Creeping Joe again, and I hope not to...

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