Sunday, February 9, 2014

Funny Polly

By: James B. Davis

I walked out side early in the morning, the sun was just coming up, I had head phones in, and I walked down to the mail box. There was nothing in it though, so I just walked back up to the house and on the couch, I turned on the TV, and put on my favorite TV show. The episode was season finally and left with a cliff hanger, and a rather shocking one at that. It was seven in the morning by the time the show was over, and my kids John and Annabel were waking up.

They came out, grabbed their cereal, and turned on their favorite cartoon. They ate their breakfast and went outside to play. I went to take a nap while they played outside, and I had the most horrible dreams.

I dreamed that I was in a room full of people dancing and having fun. There was a large stage in the center of the room, it had a to big pillars leading to the roof, and one huge speaker at the end of it. . All of a sudden the room went dark, a spot light appeared on the stage an almost tall silhouetted man stood on the stage alone, with a tall top hat, tall boots, and a black and white stripped suit. A microphone stand stood in front of him. “Do you like to have fun,” He yelled into the micro phone in a nasally English accent “cause I have a fun game to play!” He continued. He point straight at me and a spot lit on me. “Get him, have fun,” yelled over the micro phone “the one who brings me his head gets the prize!” he cried and every one in the room ran at me and started taring at me, and ripping me apart. I woke up in a cold sweat, “Damn.” I rubbed my face.

I walked outside and called for my kids “John? Annabel? It's time for lunch.” they came running to he door and ran past me into the house. They sat down at the dining room table and gave them their lunch, and I sat down myself to eat. “We made a new friend.” said Annabel “Oh yeah, what his name?” I said “Funny Polly.” John said “That's a strange name. Where's he live?” I asked “I don't know.” Said Annabel “Do you John?” I turned my head John “No.” He said shaking his head “Well, what's he look like?” I asked “He wares a bit tall hat, he's really tall, he wares a black and white stripped suit, and long black hair.” said Annabel, I looked at her with a half shocked look on my face “How old is he?” I asked “He's a grown up.” John interrupted “I need you NOT to talk to him any more, okay?” I said “But da...” they cried “Okay?!” I interrupted “Fine...” they both said at the same time.

I let them both go back outside, but again told them not to talk their new friend. I sat down on the couch again to watch something, but I couldn't stop think about the dream, and what the kids said, Funny Polly sounded just like the guy in my dream. I couldn't find anything to keep my mind off of it, so I went to go check on the kids. They weren't in the front yard like before. I ran to the back yard and looked around nothing, so I ran to the alley to them playing in the alley, they looked like they where talking to someone behind a garage.”Guys? You need to stay in the yard.” they didn't hear me it seemed so walked toward them, when I got to the garage they where at, no one was there, “Who were you guys talking to?” I said as I crouched down to their level. “Polly.” said Annabel “I said not to talk to him. You guys have to promise you wont talk to him anymore, okay.” I said while looking back and forth at them both, “But dad he's our friend.” Said wile frowning “I don't care, you can't talk or play with him any more, now you have to promise.” I said “Okay, dad.” They both said.

I put them to bed that night with a baby monitor in the room. “What's that for daddy?” asked Annabel “Well... I just want to make sure you guys are safe.” I said as was I was plugging in the baby monitor. I walked out of the room and went to bed. Later that night, I heard the kids laughing through the monitor, and got out of bed. I cracked open the door to see them sleeping. I closed the door and went to get a bottle of water. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle and saw a shadow move in the doorway. I slowly walked toward the door way that lead to the living. I saw a shadow run up the stair leading to the kids' bedroom.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, I came into the kids' bedroom and John and Annabel were gone. I say a trail of blood lead to the closet and I slowly walked toward the closet. It opened and John feel out covered in blood, I turned around to high pitch laughter, and saw a tall man with a top hat, a black and white stripped suit, long hair, and face that looked like a skull with tight skin laid over top it. He had Annabel in his arms, he was draining the life out of her as she turned to skeletal rag doll. I jumped on the man, Annabel hit the ground hard, and he pinned me to the floor. He held up one of his hands and long claws came out of his finger tips. He dragged them across my face while laughing hysterically, the claws dug into my skin leaving five long cuts in my flesh. He turned to smoke and floated away out the window. I then heard the police running up the stairs. What did it matter, my children where dead, what else did I have? I simply let myself be dragged away, and thrown into the car.

I live in a mental hospital now, but I really don't care. I'm sitting hear in my cell and I have a bottle of bleach, I'm gonna drink it. I'm writing this so that people know my story, good by...

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