Friday, January 31, 2014


By: James B. Davis

       “I'm Michael, and this is Tommy.” I said to the old man “Where you youngsters heading?” He said “Out to the old Granite house, the people there are our grandparents, right Tommy?” “Right.” he said, while staring into oblivion (Tommy was blind), “That's quite a walk, especially in the winter, y'all need a lift, I be happy to give you one.” said the old man “Thanks, but we'd rather walk. Thanks for the offer though.” I said then walked away “You guys be careful.” he yelled as we were leaving his site, so we just waved good by.

So we set off, walking through the woods. So we walked and walked, for hours. Walking through forest, field, we even walked through a marsh, then just more woods. After many miles of walking, it started getting dark, so we pitched up camp under an oak tree. The minute Tommy got in the tent he was asleep, but I didn't sleep. All night I tossed and turned, listening to nocturnal animals run and play outside the tent. It was about dawn, and I heard a screaming, no a screeching, and a large shadow moved outside the tent. I froze from it and my heart pounded, I sat all morning with my pocket knife in my hand, until Tommy woke up, which was probably around 10:00 am. “Michael?” he said while reaching around “I'm hear, don't worry.” I said and he grabbed my wrist. He pulled himself up with my arm. “How did you sleep?” he said, I sighed “Fine.” We both got out of the tent and I gasped, “What's wrong?” said Tommy, “Nothing, I-I stubbed my toe.” that was what I said, but it wasn't the truth, the snow was pink with blood, and a deer hung in the tree with it's innards ripped out. I just told Tommy to sit while I took down the tent, then we went up the path.

All day I was looking around for bears, what else could kill a deer and hang it in a tree like that. The cliff was the scariest, which was the next path. I had to have Tommy right next to me, Tommy was always singing something, or humming a song, most of the time Black Sabbath or The Beatles, the hole time on the cliff he we was singing, he sang a whole album by The Beatles, don't know which one though, it was the one with Strawberry Fields in it, which ever one that is. So we walked along the cliff for like an hour, which was terrifying, cause Tommy could have fallen at any time.

We took a brake once we got off the cliff. We ate lunch and I heard the screeching again. I saw Tommy walking away into the woods, and a bear stood right in front of him. I slowly walked toward him, and grabbed his wrist, “Michael?” he said “Shush!” I said “Walk back, slowly.” Tommy then tripped and we ran down toward the cliff, I had to keep Tommy away from the edge, so I pushed him toward the rocks on the side. The bear was nowhere in sight, so we stopped to take our breath. We camped on the cliff, and I didn't sleep that night either, cause all night I heard things outside, scratching, hissing, and growling. It was probably about 3:00 am, when I heard the bear again, but I sounded scared, and what in god's name scares a bear. I heard the screeching again. The Bear roared in pain, I looked out the window, and saw a tall human- like figure, it stood at least eight feet tall, the head on it was huge, with a mouth, two feet wide and full of razor sharp teeth, it had claws at least six inches long, it was mostly humanoid but it had a tail, and wings unfolded from behind it's back, and it jumped right off the cliff, and then flew away, I then leaned back in the tent. And slowly fell asleep.

I was woken by Tommy screaming. He had three long cuts on his face, the same as ones on the tent, I looked out side, a long trail of blood was going down the cliff, I told Tommy that he needed to stay in the tent, I went outside, and took my pocket knife, pulled out all three blades, and tied it to a five foot stick. I raced down the cliff with my spear, I also tapped three sharp rocks to my hand. I got to the bottom, which was a thick forest, full of small animals. I looked around for the thing, then I noticed, all the animals were running in my direction, mice, frogs, bugs, all at my feet, the birds were flying in swarms above my head, then I looked in front of me, an entire herd of deer in a stampede right in front of me. I didn't have much time to think, I hind behind a tree as the deer ran around me on all sides. The animals were gone, not one fly was left in the area. I heard a crunching sound behind me, then another, and another. I could hear it breathing, I could almost feel it. The thing's hands grabbed my side of tree, I clinched my hand, and turned around, and punched the things hands, stabbing it. The creature screamed in pain, it lifted the tree right out of ground and threw it twenty feet through the air. “Shit” I ran with it following right behind me, I ran and ran and ran. I tripped on a big root and turned around to my back, I put the spear in the air. The creature stuck into the spear, I smashed the creature's face with the rocks on my hand. It went limp, I crawled from under it, panting. The thing slowly got back up behind me and grabbed my head and lifted me into the air, it turn me toward itself. The creature let out a chuckle and opened up it monstrous mouth. Three mouthed tongues came out of it's horrid maw, two of them rapped around my neck while the other just sat in front of my face, just sitting there then looked me right in the eye and opened it's mouth, I grabbed it and tore it out of the monsters mouth, the creature dropped me as blood sprayed out of it's mouth, monstrous torrents of it, and blood cover the whole area. The creature hit the ground hard, and smashed it's head on a rock, basically exploding it.

I ran up the cliff, hoping Tommy was alright. I ran and ran, nearly killing myself in the process. By the time I got there it was dusk, Tommy was still in the tent, asleep, well least that's what it seemed like. I rolled him over only to reveal a half skeletal Tommy with flesh hanging from his bones and blood covering his clothes. Tears overcame my eyes, I couldn't even see. I then looked up to see a shadow looking over the tent, I then heard a growl like mix between a bear and a wolf. The tent ripped open, I really wish I would have taken the old man's offer, I ran out of the tent the creature followed, I jumped down off the cliff, I thought for sure I was done for, then I noticed a that I was going straight for a giant lake. When I hit the water I screamed, the pain was terrible, so I swam up to the top. I crawled up onto the shore, and walked away into the woods...  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Contest Winner: I Told You So

By: Mazy Leister

"come on Alice don't be a baby." As he says this he raises the flashlight to meet my eyes. I look down at my feet to protect my eyes from the piercing light. "It just doesn't feel right,ya know?" I said this while hugging my arms around my body for warmth. Jace smirks. "What are you scared?" I look up to argue that i was not scared, but was blinded once more. He turned to look at the nature infested children's home. "I'm going in, you can just wait out here". He said this as he ran up and into the orphanage . "Dammit Jace! you can't just leave me out here !" I yell after him. As I walk up the stairs to the building I whisper to myself "You going to be sorry for making me go in this place." It was cold in the orphanage, colder then it was outside. Jace was looking at some peices of paper throne across the hall. I crouched down next to him. "You are a jerk." "I know but I'm your jerk." I could almost hear his smile. I stand up. Draging Jace with me. " Well as long as were here lets explore."I say this in the fackest existing voice I could manage. Slowly we crept from room to room finding old toys and empty bed frames. As we were searching through an old foot locker a faint almost singing sounded. Jace look at me frowning " Why are you humming?". " I'm not ." as I say this the singing grows loader. Jace's facile expression turn from shock to concern. "Are you all right?" I was about to answer, when I noticed he wasn't looking me, he was looking past me. As I turned I meet the face of what looked like a little girl, except it wasn't just a little girl. Her skin was white and shiny almost like glass. perfect ringlets of glossy black hair fell to her shoulders. Her mouth and eyes were unmoving but, yet some how giggling still escaped from her painted on lips. Jace must have not noticed because he still was asking questions. "What's your name?" giggling through her answer she said "My name is Isabell." She tilted her head in my direction and then took off down the hallway . Jace sprinted after her yelling after me to follow . After a few minutes of chasing we came to a door that was open but only slightly. A light shone through the crack. Jace said something to me but I couldn't hear because of the blood rushing pass my ears. Adrenaline and blood lust pumping through my body. I had to bite my lip to stop my self from laughing. God I love this feeling. He was crouched down in front of the porcelain girl. As he reached to touch the girls arm, I pick up a piece of glass. I rub my finger along the serrated edge drawing blood. A smile makes its way to my face. I grab a fitful of Jaces hair pulling his head back to meet my eyes. i wanted to watch as the life left his eyes. Smiling down at him taking the piece of glass and sliding it across his throat. a gurgle escaped form his mouth and a giggle escapes from mine. My dolly is laughing to. "Isabell your all dirty." I say giggling. her white skin was stained red with blood. "Alice can i get a new dress this one is ruined?" "Really Isabell, I get you a new dress every month you don't have to ask." Another giggle leaves my lips. " I told you you'd be sorry." 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Doctor Dementist

By: Jonathan Wojcik from

I'd always prided myself in taking great care of my teeth.

They'd all come in flawlessly, and I'd fastidiously kept every last one pearly and clean. This was due in no small part to a minor apprehension towards dentists. I'd never even been to one for more than a routine check-up, and I intended to keep it that way for as long as I could.

Unsurprisingly, I had never paid into any dental insurance, either.

That's how I found my idiot self in the single skeeviest waiting room I'd ever had to endure. My first toothache had struck swiftly and mercilessly. The persistent throbs of sharp, searing pain like a small but surprisingly loud heckler in my mouth, mocking my years of confident brushing and flossing.

I'd happened upon the public clinic purely by accident, its yellowed sign advertising "No isurance?(sic) No prob em! walk ins 80$$"

It was fishy, sure, but I couldn't afford much else for at least another week, and at this point, I just wanted the damn thing pulled. How hard could that be?

Nobody was there to greet me when I entered - not even another patient - but a flickering sign near the ceiling urged me to take a seat. A chipper "be right with you" was barely audible behind the lone, unmarked office door.

The only thing more hideous than the room's plaid, green-brown carpeting was its wallpaper of tan and yellow squiggles. The tattered reading material was a good decade out of date, and the selection astoundingly haphazard. A magazine for reptile enthusiasts. A Doll Collector's monthly price guide. Two different magazines about quilting and something that looked like a Korean "Highlights." The room's sole decor was a giant, framed drawing of a smiling mouth in corrective headgear, the metal contraption forming goofy little arms and legs. "WHATEVER, GUYS! IT'S DOCTOR DEMENTIST" was printed below it in comic sans. The cheesy yet somewhat disquieting pun name was in bright red.

Fifteen minutes passed. Another cautious hello was met with the same muffled be-right-with-you.

I was just beginning to lose my patience when the door startlingly burst open, and the next thing I knew, I was strapped into a dentist's chair.


Were they supposed to do that?

I couldn't even remember how I'd gotten there. I couldn't remember anything between that door swinging open and finding myself captive. Something cold and metallic was holding my mouth open.

I craned my neck as far as I could, and grunted out a few meek cries for attention. I couldn't see or hear a soul, and the surroundings did nothing to calm me. A seemingly excessive selection of gleaming, painful-looking tools were laid out on at least a half-dozen plastic trays, and the walls were plastered with old X-rays that only seldom seemed to fall under the "dental" umbrella. Fractured ribs. Deformed skulls. Foreign objects lodged in embarrassing places. Several X-rays were quite clearly taken from animals, and there were a few pregnancy sonograms.

...What back-alley butcher was I subjecting myself to?

I was just about to call out again when I saw something moving.

Something moving that was not a person.

What had entered my rather limited field of vision was taking some time to process. It looked at first like a meaningless pile of junk, a jumbled tangle of metallic joints and hinges loosely wired and bolted together. It shambled sideways in an awkward crab-walk, knife-like "legs" adding even more scratches to the cheap-looking linoleum floor. Something about the way it moved made me uncomfortable in a very particular way, a certain unreal quality I couldn't quite place.

At the center of it all was an enormous set of false teeth, suspended in a web of gleaming wires and rubber bands. I was suddenly reminded of that artwork in the waiting room. What the hell was that thing's name?

If this was some sort of puppet show, some educational robot here to talk to me about oral hygiene, it was both far more impressive and far more terrifying than it had any right to be. Is this where they had sunk their budget? Whatever happened to a good old sock with googly eyes?

I jumped in my restraints as a harsh, gravely voice erupted from behind its fake gums.


This was an odd thing for the monstrosity to say. I think I'd have remembered ever meeting Satan's dentures before.


It spoke with a hollow, mechanical reverberation, like something out of Doctor Who, the teeth opening and closing completely out of synch with the dialog.


The jaws chattered rapidly in what seemed like laughter at a private joke.

A set of jointed, metal arms and hands unfolded from the contraption's sides. It teetered its way to the nearest table and began to pick through the surrounding tools, carefully wiping each with a dripping, blackened rag. It only made them dirtier, trailing long, snotty strands of glistening filth.

I could feel my heart pounding as I watched the grotesque thing at work. I knew what had been bothering me; even for a giant, metal denture-crab, it simply didn't look real. It moved with the unmistakable stagger of a stop-motion special effect, and it even had a sort of enlarged, super-imposed quality, inconsistent with the lighting of everything else in the room.

I was already under. That had to be it. I was whacked out on laughing gas. I'd wake up any minute now, in a normal dentist's chair, a flesh-and-blood human being critiquing my brushing technique.

It was the only conceivable explanation that made why couldn't I believe it?

Why couldn't I shake the panic?


I could only whimper pitifully in response.


I was hardly surprised that "Anna" appeared to be nothing but a giant, grimy gas tank, rolling of its own accord on mismatched wheels. Its plastic hose silently writhed through the air like a pale, transparent eel, landing an oily, smeared mouthpiece squarely over my face.

I didn't care anymore if I was high or dreaming or God only knows. I began to fight against my restraints with all my might, heaving and lurching with every muscle in my body. Nothing gave. The chair itself barely shook, like it was all one seamless hunk of iron.

The demon braces only waggled a steely finger. "I must request that you keep still, if you don't mind; I haven't got my eyes today."

I whimpered again.

Anna the gas-tank turned one large, shattered meter towards her cohort, and a tinny, feminine voice echoed from somewhere unseen.

"What do?"

The knife-legged "doctor" adjusted a large headlamp to face my mouth, apparently not noticing that it was long burnt out.


Anna's little meter-head cocked to one side, like a confused puppy.

"...What's a... teeth?"

As the monster fired up an alarmingly large drill, I became very aware that I wasn't actually receiving any gas.

It gave a creaky, metallic little shrug.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Creeping Joe

By: James B. Davis

My name is Ash, I am 14, and I am a psychic. I have been psychic ever since I can remember, and people always bother me, ask me to tell them their future, or to read their mind. But lets get to the point, our story begins, in Spokane, Washington...

It was July 4th, 2013 and me and my family were watching the fire works, when we got separated, we agreed to meet at the fountain down town if we got separated, so that's ware I went. I rushed to the fountain, moving through people, getting pushed around, I fell a couple times. I got to the fountain, I looked around for my dad or my mom, I saw neither of them, so I waited and waited.

I sat there on a bench, for almost three hours, when a girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, about my same age, walked up to me. She asked if I was who I was, I told her I was, she asked if I could look into her future. I figured it wouldn't hurt, so I put my hand on the top of her head and closed my eyes. I saw her walking in the woods and sleeping under a tree, but that's when something else got into my head, I saw something terrible crawling on the ground, it looked like a man with gray skin and no hair. When I saw this I jolted back. She asked what was wrong, I said “Nothing Alice, nothing at all.” she asked “ How do you know my name.” I simply said “ I'm Psychic.” she laughed at that, god she had a horrible laugh.

I talked to Alice for a couple hours, then she walked away, but she would be back, but we'll talk about that later. I walked around the park near the fountain for awhile, kicking pine cones around, even got some food at a cart. But after awhile I got a flash in my mind, a flash of a gray face with no hair at all, the same face as when I looking into Alice's future, that's when I went back to the fountain. I sat at the same bench as before, still waiting for my family. I got another flash in my mind, this of that creature run toward me on all fours. I nearly fell on my face, I shook so much from that while it happened. I sat there for awhile shaking, I wished my family would get there.

I got a long picture in my mind of me and my family, I was melting. I flipped the hell out, jumped out of the bench and bumped into some people, I told them was sorry, not that that meant anything to them. I wanted to get the hell out there. So I ran into the street and into the tall buildings around me.

That's when a ran into Alice again. She asked what was wrong and ware I was going, I told her “I'm getting the hell out of here!” she ran after me. I ran into an alleyway with a dead end, Alice was right behind me again. She asked what was wrong. I told her something was after me, I told her what it looked like, and that was all I knew.

Something crawled down the side of the building, it was looked like everything I saw in my mind. It's eyes glowed like purple torches, it's nails dragged across the ground making sounds like screaming children, and it jumped on me clawing my face. I picked out a long metal pipe, and hit the creature on the back, it fell and squirmed on the ground. It jumped on me again, and put his hand on my head. I saw the creature as a man, he shot someone in the head, the man's brothers put him in sack, and threw him off a bridge. It was under that bridge that he here turned into Creeping Joe, and he killed the brothers of that man.

So I learned that that creature's name was Creeping Joe, and that I wanted to kill me for some reason.
So I grabbed the metal pipe again and bashed Creeping Joe in the back, I got back up and started pounding Creeping Joe with that pipe till his insides were his outsides. Alice was there the whole time, I didn't even know, she stood there, with a blank look on her face. I walked out the alleyway.

It sun rise when my family finally got to the freaking fountain. So we all got into the car, I was pissed. I asked why it took so long, my mom said “We didn't remember ware it was that we gonna meet.” she laughed for some reason, I didn't find anything about that funny. I still know Alice, and I still haven't seen Creeping Joe again, and I hope not to...

After Forever

By: James B. Davis

Have you ever thought about your soul, can it be saved? That the question, that every one wants know isn't it? You know it is, You know that your afraid of what's on the other side, afraid that maybe you won't go to Heaven, maybe your afraid you'll go to Hell? Maybe you think there nothing on the other side, you think maybe when you die you stay in the ground and rot, and decay, and become food for worms! No, well your wrong, there is an after life, a fiery hell pit full blood, decay, rot, and pain, we'll all go there, you, your mother, your father, your child, and your wife or husband. So believe what you will, think that you're going to play the harps up in the clouds, but your going DOWN, and none of us get out alive.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014


By: James B. Davis

I ran out the door, as fast as I could, I wasn't turning back, no way. Okay I'm, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll start from the beginning. It was two days ago, during the spring equinox, my mom had sent me to my room, because I broke a plate or cup, or something like that. So when I went into my room I looked around a sat on my couch.

I looked to my side and noticed that there was centipede crawling out the couch cushion. I jumped into the air and fell on my back, I looked up and the centipede was nowhere in sight. I slowly got and plopped on my bed. I looked around the room looked like it was spinning, then I blacked out. I woke up to my mother and father over me saying my name over and over. They both seemed confused, “What?” I said, they asked what happen and I sat up. “I was sitting on the couch I big bug came out of the cushion, I jumped back and hit my.” I said as I rubbed my head. They said that I should lay down, and try to get some sleep and they left. I laid there, for hours looking at the wall trying to sleep. I tossed and turned, then I looked to a hole in my bed.

I sat up and picked at the hole, I tour through a layer of foam, stopped, realizing what I was doing, and laid back down. I sat there, I figured I turn on my TV. I put on some old big spider movie, that I don't remember the name. I sat there , I almost fell asleep, when the centipede from before crawled across the screen, I got up and walked toward the TV, and smashed the centipede, I got grossed out from it, I stumbled back and fell on my bed. I looked around and saw the hole again. I started picking again, I went through a all the layers of foam when it felt like something bit me. I pulled my arm back and looked at my finger. There was a drop of blood on it, I looked to hole in my bed, and a leech crawled out, along with worms, and more leeches, and centipedes, the squirmy creatures kept coming out, piling out of the hole, I screamed, by that time, most of my bed was covered and they were still coming. I ran out the door, as fast as I could, I wasn't turning back, no way, I ran into my mom, she asked what was wrong. I started to talk when my father came from behind, covered in leeches.

My mother, she screamed as loud as she could, when a wave of squirming, slimy creatures came to our feet, I ran out the front door, as centipedes, worms, and leeches grabbed at my feet, I was on the front yard I looked at the front door, and pile of the creature at on the porch. I ran down the side walk, to tired to move, I hit the ground hard, the next thing know I'm in a hospital bed. The doctor walked in, he said “Well George, I've got good and bad news, what do you want to first?” “The bed news.” I said, “Your family is dead, I'm so sorry.” he said “But, your aunt is on her way to pick you up from Maine, she'll be here in a few day, and you're gonna fine.” he said as started walking away, “Wait!” I cried “How did they die?” the doctor walked back to me “I.. I don't think you should know. “ he said “Tell me, please”, I pleaded “They lost all there blood, I have to go now, I'm sorry George.” he said, he then left the room. I looked to the window, I fell asleep.

I woke up at noon, the next day, my aunt walked into the room, “Hey George.” I rubbed my face and looked out my window and sighed. The next day I grabbed my stuff, and loaded it into my aunt's car. We took off to Maine the next day. We got there by twelve P.M., My aunt showed me to my room, and left me be. I saw my new bed, I gulped at the sight of it, I threw everything from it onto the ground, I made my bed on the floor. I looked to my bags, I saw something, it looked like something was in my bag. I walked toward the bag, and it fell to the ground. I looked at the bag, and something squirmed inside...  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Foot Worm

By: James B. Davis

It was cold, it was morning. I walked out side to get the mail without shoes on. I got the mail and walked back to the house, I stepped on something, it felt like glass. I yelled it hurt so bad, so I quickly limped back to the house. I got back in the house and I and sat on the couch, I looked at the bottom of my foot and there was huge gash on my foot, black slime was dripping from the gash. I nearly vomited when I saw the wound, I ran to the bathroom and put my head over the toilet. I didn't vomit, I just really felt like I was gonna. After that, I got dressed and got in the car. I drove my self to the emergency room. I was sitting in the my doctor's office alone, and my foot started hurting a lot. I started moaning in pain, when the doctor came. “How's it going Jack?” Said the doctor “I don't know.” I said said “Well what seems to be the problem?” “ I was walking out side to the get the mail this morning barefoot, I stepped on something.” I said “Well lets take a look shall we?” I put my foot up and the doctor looked as if he was gonna vomit. “What did you step on, I bear trap?” the doctor said with a very worried look on his face. “ I really don't know, It was dripping with black ooze when I first looked at it.” I said “Black ooze?” he said “Yeah, really thick, black ooze.” “Well why don't you come back in a couple of days and it anymore of that oozy stuff comes back, bring me some in a jar.” He said “Okay.” I said
But before you go, I'm gonna give you this ointment to put on the wound.” “Thanks doc.” I said as I walked out the room with him.

I got home and went to bed, I god I had some weird dreams. When I woke up, I saw something moving under the blankets by my foot. I froze, I slowly lifted the blankets, nothing was there but a big puddle of that black ooze. “Oh shit!” I quickly got up, and drove back to the doctors. I was speeding, so fast that if I got in a crash I would die. I had a jar of the ooze in the other set, I looked at it and it looked like it was moving. I looked back to the street and swerved out of the way of a large semi-truck. I got to the hospital and stumbled in like a man that had drank five gallons of liquor. “ I need to see Dr. Franklin.” I said “I'm sorry but Dr. Franklin is out today.” “Get me a fucking doctor!” I yelled at the woman behind the counter.
The next thing I knew I was laying in a hospital bed with doctors all around, I felt something slip out of my foot, and I saw doctor holding a big worm-like creature with a pare of tongs. I vomited to the side and all the doctors jumped back. The big worm hit the ground and crawled out the room. I was screaming bloody murder, and the doctor gave me a shot and I fell a sleep. I woke up alone, my foot hurt a lot, I looked to my side and saw the worm in a jar of liquid alive, I jumped from the site of it. I looked around and doctor came in the room, “how are you feeling Jack?” Said one of the doctors “Like total shit, how about you.” “Well you were the host of a never before seen parasite, we've decided to call it a Foot worm.” “A Foot worm? Well what was the ooze?” I asked “That was a casing for the parasites eggs, about five hundred of them.” said the doctor “Holy shit. When can I leave?” I asked Tomorrow night.” said the doctor with smile “Okay” I said with a sigh. The next night I left in my car, I was so glad. I looked to the next set over, I saw something moving under the set's covering...

Mona Lisa

By: James B. Davis

It was late at night, I was reading random crap and watching random videos, when I came across an article on a website called Strange and Wonderful titled Dolphins, an article all about how dolphin suck on puffer fish to get high, when an image of The Mona Lisa popped up, I didn't know what it was about or the purpose of it was. I couldn't exit out of it or minimize it, so I just exited out of the entire page and went back to the website. I kept reading the article laughing as I read, when the pic of The Mona Lisa appeared again, but this time it had a spec of black in the tear duct on the right eye, I was really confused, so exited out again and just went on web surfing again. This time I went to a website called Bogleech. I started reading an article about rubber bug collecting, when The Mona Lisa popped up again, this time the entire right eye was black, and there was a slight screeching sound. I exited out of the article I was reading again, and searched it again. I was reading the same article and really enjoying it, when big surprise, The Mona Lisa popped up again, this time a slight dot of black on the other eye, and the right eye looked like it was dripping. I rolled the cursor over The Mona Lisa and clicked it, and it took me to a blank black screen, The Mona Lisa appeared again, but this time both eyes were solid black and dripping black and the mouth was open and dripping as well. A loud screeching came and I covered my ears. All of a sudden I heard talking, so I uncovered my ears, the talking came the computer “ALL THE WORLD! ALL THE WORLD IS DOOMED! ON THE 12TH OF THE 4TH MONTH OF THEYEAR 2031 THE WORLD WILL END AT THE HAND OF A MAD DEMON! BE READY, FOR THE END WILL COME!” After the message, the page left my computer. I turned the computer off instantly. I stayed away from the computer for a few days, then I turned it back on today, and stared righting this. I'm not sure if the picture will return, or if it really happened, maybe it was a dream, maybe I'm crazy, but one thing is for sure, I know that world will end, maybe not on the prophesied day foretold by the computer, but it will come... 

Pink Jeff

By: James B. Davis

We've all seen Jeff the Killer right? And we've all seen Smile Dog, maybe even Smile Jeff, but I'm sure almost no one has seen Pink Jeff, or at least seen and told the story. It's an image of Jeff the Killer with pinkish eyes, and if you look at it for to long, look right into his eye's, you can't stop looking. And after awhile, you'll go insane, he come for you. Very few have lived to tell the tale, I'm one of the few, so lets start the story.
It was late 2012, in the mouth of October, near Halloween. I came across a website called Strange and Wonderful (I'll never go back to that website, I've heard other bad stories about it), I was reading articles about many strange things, when I came across an article simply titled Smile Dog. It was neat legend about an image of a dog that's smiling with human teeth, and if look at it a lot, you get killed by smile dog or something like. But after that article, I came across an article about an old news paper from 2010, that only five copies of it where sold, because of the strange image that was put in by accident. The image was Pink Jeff, any one who read the news paper died a day later. So as I read and reached the bottom of the page, there was image of Pink Jeff. I quickly scrolled by this image, I got nervous when seeing it. So I kept reading.
The article was very interesting, and when I finished it at the very bottom, there was Pink Jeff again. So I tried to scroll up again, but the screen was frozen. I looked closely, I saw that the image was getting slowly bigger. It was weird, but the eyes kind of looked like they where moving super slowly. Finally the image took up the entire screen, I don't know why I kept looking, it was like I was in a trance, so after a minute of staring, the screen flashed from the image to a white blank screen, it changed about ten times every second, then it stopped. There just an image of Pink Jeff just sitting there. Then I heard a loud banging behind me, and I looked over my shoulder, and nothing was there. I looked back at the screen, and it was an image of a boy standing in a long hallway with his head to the ground. Then he looked up at me, his eyes where pink, and he was holding a knife that was dripping red. He was standing in a puddle of blood, he slowly moved toward me, then it sounded like a slow drum beat was play, it got louder and louder, then the boy came to running speed and my computer screen cracked. His knife scrapped on the inside screen, he mouthed some words, I couldn't hear it, then subtitles came on the top of the screen, written in red letter “GO TO SLEEP” my blood ran cold, and leaned back in my chair. The boy looked right at me, it was Pink Jeff, he stabbed the inside of the screen and I heard laughing, it came from behind me, I looked over my should and Pink Jeff was standing right behind me.
I launched from my chair, and grabbed a baseball bat and threw it at Pink Jeff and he jumped out the window. I ran to the closet and got in, I slept there all night, I woke up at 10:00 am. I got out and grabbed the bat off the ground I walked into the kitchen and there was something written in blood on wall, it said “YOU WIN... THIS TIME.” so I drove away in my car, and drove to a hotel. I checked in and slept there for three day, and then went back to my car and drove home. I got on the computer and started writing this, I've been paranoid for three now, and I'm considering getting rid of my computer. I don't know though, I might keep it, and keep warning people of Pink Jeff, but all I know is, he out there, and he's watching all of us.